Help us fly higher with your membership support

Your Lifetime Membership is heartfully appreciated and it is vital to HGAofCPA operations. Please Donate or become a Sponsor,  contributions are 501(c)(3) tax exempt.


$501.00 Lifetime Membership-501(c)(3) tax-exempt + $15 Processing fee

Your membership, if approved, will be heartfully appreciated, and vital to the HGAOFCPA operations

Total: $0.00

I agree with the following terms when contributing using this platform.
The email message for this transaction will serve as a tax-exempt document/Receipt for the qualified transaction.
Any free Sponsor tickets or other benefits must be pre-approved by a committee member before you make any contribution.
HGAOFCPA reserves final rights on any disputes, membership approval or sponsorship/membership benefits.
In case of dispute, membership rejection, or cancellation, HGAOFCPA will only refund the transaction value minus 4% (service and processing fee per transaction)
My email addresses will receive future events and community messages, with the option to opt out.
HGAOFCPA or its volunteers are not liable for any loss, injury, or accident of any kind.
HGAOFCPA or its volunteers do not warrant or assume any responsibility for the third parties' and/or community member-provided event or program-related services, communications or food and beverages.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software